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home fires是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/ho...fires.ht 发布时间:2021-03-24
home fires是什么意思 home fires在线翻译 home fires什么意思 home fires的意思 home fires的翻译 home fires的解释 home fires的发音 home fires的同义词 home fireshome fires 双语例句

1. She also believes her home was lost to the fires.

2. Add the home fires on the pan, drain the oil, very badly burned five heat (Sprinkle slightly emitted smoke), under fire transferred into the ribs, the bombing of three minutes each, turning it over to use chopsticks, and the bombing of two minutes and convey coke yellow, ribs most of the water has gone.

3. Through this research study, we have students in our school launched a fire-related knowledge The survey found that 52.0% of the students have paid more attention to the fire news on a better understanding of the fire of knowledge for 91.8%; a 94.1% of the students know an effective way to prevent fires; 15.8% of the students had experienced a fire, among which 30.2% of the fires due to fireworks, 60.3% of the Ming House, home fires, 9.5% is due to Chinese New Year Shangfen, Fire spread whole mountain; participated in fire drills and know the proper use of fire extinguishers for 52% and 31.6%.

4. Despert home owner r hopeing the army and firefighters can save their homes, the fires r burnning in - of California, - from the Los Angles, here is a map of it.

5. It was a night for the homeless to lie down and die; and for luckier people to sit close to their fires and thank God They were at home.

6. home fires的解释

6. Cheap kerosene fires the poor man\'s stove in India\'s cities and lights his home in the country\'s villages.

7. Who would then take them home to start new cooking fires.

8. And for luckier people to sit close to their fires and thank God They were at home.

9. home fires的近义词

9. Broadly, the pollution comes from combustion of fossil fuels-petrol or solid fuels-from cars, industry and home fires.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. I\'d forgotten that my brother has been quietly keeping the home fires burning, forgotten my family life.

home fires 单语例句

1. And there\'s no place like home to stoke the fires of altruism.

2. While traffic accidents are the primary cause of outdoor accidents involving children, burns and injuries from fires are the biggest problems in the home.

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本文链接: http://fires.immuno-online.com/view-709511.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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